After growing up in Luxembourg, I moved to the UK for my university education in 2001. Today, I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, UK and Director of the Lab for Uncertainty in Data and Decision Making (LUCID).  Our research focuses on modelling & handling of uncertain data arising both from qualitative (people) and quantitative sources (eg sensors, processes), decision support systems and data-driven policy design. 

A substantial share of our work combines interdisciplinary insights, for example in the context of interpretable and interactive AI, and the development of novel approaches for capturing and analysing data captured from people, working with Social Science, Psychology and Mathematics. Applications of our work feed into cyber security, environmental management and smart product design. For details of ongoing projects and publications, please see the links above.

I am an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence journal and an elected member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s board (AdCom) and have co/developed multiple open source software frameworks, making research outputs accessible both to peer researchers within and beyond computer science. For examples, have a look at JuzzyOnline and Juzzy on the LUCID software page.