Current Projects

  • ABDS Academy (African Brain Data Science Academy)
  • BRIDGE (Brain Research International Data Governance & Exchange)
  • HoRRIzon (1.0, 2.0 & 3.0)
  • environMENTAL (Reducing the impact of major environmental challenges on mental health) 
  • iRECS (Improving Research Ethics Expertise and Competencies to Ensure Reliability and Trust in Science) 
  • Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub RRI project 
  • The STAHR Collective (Science, Technology, Arts & Humanities Research Collective)
  • SALUS (Responsible Autonomous Systems in Defence )
  • MindTech
  • RAKE (Responsible Innovation Advantage in Knowledge Exchange)
  • RAISE (Responsible Generative AI for SME’s in the UK & Africa
  • STRATEGIC (Sustainable eThics Reviews of digital heAlth Technology dEsiGn In afriCa)
  • CRADLE (Creating a Dynamic Archive of Responsible Ecosystems in the Context of Creative AI)
  • BRIDGE (Brain Research International Data Governance & Exchange)
  • ABDS Academy (African Brain Data Science Academy)
  • TUT MPE (Trustworthy and Useful Tools for Mobile Phone Extraction)
  • EFRESH (Effective Safe and Responsible Research on Online communities)

Finished projects

  • SHERPA (Shaping the Ethical Dimensions of Smart Information Systems – A European Perspective)